It’s a magic moment really. The moment when the manuscript you wrote with such excitement, the characters you thought were so fabulous, the conflict you just knew was SO different, the story you lovingly crafted into a work of art, suddenly turns to crap in the space of a second. Something silly might have triggered … Continue reading “The Magic Moment”
Category: crows
We Shall Fight
We shall fight on the beaches, We shall fight on the landing grounds,We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,We shall fight in the hills;We shall never surrender. Thanks Winston. So why am I fighting? Well, my last post was grade A whine material. Now, I was going to apologise for that but … Continue reading “We Shall Fight”
Light and Flirty Modern Heat: Yeah, Right.
I’m worried about my sub. So what else is new right? Well after reading the transcript of the editor chat on eHarlequin, I’ve got several worries: Firstly, I’m worrying that my sub is too angsty for Modern Heat. The problem is that I love deep, emotional internal conflict. And I love a strong, tortured hero. … Continue reading “Light and Flirty Modern Heat: Yeah, Right.”
Submission Doubt
I’ve put up my scarecrow again because I’ve got submission doubt and need something to scare away the crows.These are particularly ornery ones I have to say. It wasn’t so bad the first time around because I was just so pleased to have had a full request. And true, the first lot of revisions were … Continue reading “Submission Doubt”