Lucky me, I got an R for the Never Ending Story this morning. And I’m really annoyed about it. I’ve worked for 11 months on that story with the editor. Got the synopsis reworked, the character bios, the partial rewritten twice, and to not even get a request for a full is just so disheartening. … Continue reading “From High to Low”
Category: Never Ending Story
I Swear….
Was really hoping I’d at least get some sort of verdict before the NV competition starts but, well, whaddya know, still no verdict. I have to say I’ve kind of given up on this story. It’s dragged on so long that I’ve already said goodbye to it in my mind. Oh, I’ll be gutted if … Continue reading “I Swear….”
Bad Habits
September already and, hey, whaddya know, I STILL have had no word on my sub. First subbed the synopsis of this story in October last year so if I don’t hear this month, it will mean a year’s wait for a verdict on a partial. So all those of you who guessed dates for the … Continue reading “Bad Habits”
Very Soon Sweepstakes Update
The ‘Very Soon’ sweepstake is nearing the end of its first week and….sorry Janet who picked the 6th. No word for me this morning. 🙁 So, we’ll be entering the second week on Monday so fingers crossed that one of you who picked this coming week will be right. It’s not the best week to … Continue reading “Very Soon Sweepstakes Update”
The iPad and NTAI
I did a little post about NTAI and the iPad on the Sisters’ blog if you want to know about how I’m coping with my wait on the NES. And yes, still waiting. 🙂
One Percent
Another slow news day in Jackie land. Or should I say another day of stressing out about the NES (Never Ending Story). I should be consoling myself with another WIP but that well seems to have dried up. I’ve hit the wall in other words. And as such, the question needs to be asked – … Continue reading “One Percent”
The Never Ending Story
It would have been nice to start the weekend off with some news – but I don’t have any news. Sigh. I guess me having to update the synopsis has put a spanner in the works. I was really, really hoping that it wouldn’t but maybe the day she’d set aside for my partial was … Continue reading “The Never Ending Story”