I can finally announce that Robyn’s debut release for Entangled Indulgence is live on Amazon! We’re having a giveaway at the Sassies in celebration so do pop along and leave a comment to be in the draw. I’m going to be having Robyn here on the blog with another giveaway in a few days so … Continue reading “Giveaway at the Sassies – His Unexpected Family”
Category: Seven Sassy Sisters
Jackie’s Little Checklist
Again, thousands of apologies for my lack of keeping this sorry excuse for a blog up to date. And also apologies for not doing my usual round of visits to other people’s blogs. I’ve been keeping my social media distractions to a mimimum for the purposes of pretending that I am an NYT #1 bestselling … Continue reading “Jackie’s Little Checklist”
Peek of the Week – With Ink
See the inspiration for my new hero – and be afraid. Be very afraid!
Master Class at the Sisters
Naturally since I am the WORLD EXPERT at pitching, I am doing a post on pitching at the Sisters today. Here in fact. Of course, when I say world expert, I mean that term very loosely. Exceedingly loosely. In fact, I’m actually no expert (shock, horror), more of an enthusiastic amateur. And it’s basically a … Continue reading “Master Class at the Sisters”
More Novella Love
I am boring for New Zealand about writing something different on the Sisters’ blog today. I’d like to say you might win something if you do. But sadly all you’ll win is my excellent regard for your good taste. 🙂
The Dog Ate My Blog Post
Because school holidays have ruined my career as a wanna-be romance novelist, not to mention keeping this blog up to date, I’m taking the easy way out post-wise and directing your attention to the Sisters’ site where I have a post about emotion up there. It’s one I was going to do for here but … Continue reading “The Dog Ate My Blog Post”
The Rules
I’ve got some Rules to follow over at the Sassy’s site if you’re interested. All about how to include alien motherships in Presents. (not really).
Jackie’s Year of Surviving Rejection
I’ve done a post on the Sisters’ Blog in celebration of our blog’s first birthday. It’s on…drum roll…. surviving rejection! If you’re keen for a bit of Chumbawamba, then head over. If you’re still in denial about the possibility of being rejected then keep away… 🙂
A Very Sassy Correspondent
Hey everyone, just thought I’d let you know that we have a new feature on the Sisters’ blog – the Sassy Correspondent. Jo Dixon is our correspondent and every Friday at the end of the month she will be doing a guest post. Today is her first post so do pop over and say hi. … Continue reading “A Very Sassy Correspondent”
Still Waiting….
I’m still waiting to hear back re SYTYCW. It’s like waiting for the firing squad to get to you. They’ve shot everyone else, there’s only you left. Groan! And it’s worse for me because normally my news comes while I’m sleeping due to the difference in time zones between the UK and NZ. Yay for … Continue reading “Still Waiting….”