For the few people still reading this blog, I thought I’d vary my analogy today. I’ve given up supermarkets for the moment, since supermarkets imply movement. I’m going with quicksand today since there is absolutely no movement whatsoever. Plus I can also get in the whole ‘journey to publication’ thing since, apparently, it is a … Continue reading “In Which Jackie Drags Out Yet Another Tired Analogy”
Category: waiting
Supermarket Queues
So I’m at a packed supermarket and I’m trying to find a checkout that hasn’t got fifty million people queued up and not having much luck. I can’t use the 12 items or less checkout because I have more than 12 items and the self-serve checkout is a little bit new-fangled and freaky for me. … Continue reading “Supermarket Queues”
Valentine’s Day in Limbo
Okay, so, since Elissa nailed shut the escape door in Unpublished Author Waiting Limbo, I am now trapped here. Which means you will all have to put up with me moaning about it until I manage to swim the lakes of fire, slay the two-headed dogs, manage to scale the nine hundred million mile high … Continue reading “Valentine’s Day in Limbo”
The View from the Bar in Unpublished Author Waiting Limbo
There is a special place that all unpublished authors wanting to submit to a publisher evenutally congregate in. It’s called Unpublished Author Waiting Limbo. It’s really not either heaven or hell but I’m going to designate it hell and give it it’s very own special circle because Unpubbed Author Waiting Limbo can be torture. And … Continue reading “The View from the Bar in Unpublished Author Waiting Limbo”
So You Think You Can Wait Part 2
I’m still in waiting room hell. Have heard nothing re SYTYCW this week. I’m almost wishing I’d got one of the Rs they sent out last week because then at least I’d know. But the worst part is that after waiting another week after everyone else, I STILL could get an R. Groan. Poor eds, … Continue reading “So You Think You Can Wait Part 2”
So You Think You Can Wait
I still haven’t heard re SYTYCW. If it wasn’t for a bunch of other people who haven’t heard either, I would be REALLY paranoid now that my entry was lost. It still could have been for all I know. Sigh. The most annoying thing of all is that now I have to wait until Tuesday … Continue reading “So You Think You Can Wait”
Still Waiting….
I’m still waiting to hear back re SYTYCW. It’s like waiting for the firing squad to get to you. They’ve shot everyone else, there’s only you left. Groan! And it’s worse for me because normally my news comes while I’m sleeping due to the difference in time zones between the UK and NZ. Yay for … Continue reading “Still Waiting….”
Patience is a Virtue
The above picture is the sound of silence. Both in my house just now and also from the mighty offices in Richmond. I was actually feeling quite good about the silence (in both places) for a while but it’s been 8 weeks since I sent in my chapter and synopsis and…well, getting a bit impatient … Continue reading “Patience is a Virtue”
I Swear….
Was really hoping I’d at least get some sort of verdict before the NV competition starts but, well, whaddya know, still no verdict. I have to say I’ve kind of given up on this story. It’s dragged on so long that I’ve already said goodbye to it in my mind. Oh, I’ll be gutted if … Continue reading “I Swear….”
Very Soon Sweepstakes Update
The ‘Very Soon’ sweepstake is nearing the end of its first week and….sorry Janet who picked the 6th. No word for me this morning. 🙁 So, we’ll be entering the second week on Monday so fingers crossed that one of you who picked this coming week will be right. It’s not the best week to … Continue reading “Very Soon Sweepstakes Update”