We Apologise for the Delay – Normal Service Will Resume in a Fortnight

Yes, I have heard back from M&B. It was a lovely email letting me know that there has been a delay and that I’ll get my feedback within a fortnight. Sigh. It’s very nice of them to let me know this – they certainly didn’t have to send me anything at all – so I’m … Continue reading “We Apologise for the Delay – Normal Service Will Resume in a Fortnight”

The Death of Chatterton Or Feeling Annoyed With Waiting

I feel a bit like poor old Chatterton today. Or at least, lying picturesquely on a poorly lit bed with the remains of my torn up manuscript at my side, while I overdose on laudanum is looking increasingly attractive.It’s the wait you see. I know, banging on about waiting again. It’s now five weeks since … Continue reading “The Death of Chatterton Or Feeling Annoyed With Waiting”