Was going to do a long and involved post today but since my youngest daughter broke her leg yesterday (jumping off a bunkbed trying to touch a light!), I am at her beck and call instead!
Still, thought I’d mention that I was talking to Dr Jax over the weekend and asked him if he might like to do a Q&A on conflict. We’re told we have to be psychologists with our characters and their conflict so I thought conflict issues from the point of view of a bonafide psychiatrist might be kind of helpful. He was amenable so what do the rest of you think? Got any conflict questions you want to ask? A particular issue or how people behave in general? Let me know what you think would be most helpful!
A Q&A would be great. I always worry that my character’s motivations (stemming from backstory might not be credible) I’d love to ask a question (or two!)
Cool! I think it’s a great idea!
Janet – Great! Would you prefer to post on the blog or email me the question?
Aimee – thanks! He can be a bit of a handy man.
Great idea and ouch for your daughter!!
My question…
I’m thinking opression could break someone… or strengthen them to fight/rise up… does their personality type or other background play a part?
Bec – yes, poor girl. She’s being quite the little queen today.
As to the question, that’s fantastic! A great start!
Oooh I love this idea! And I just have to brag here that I have SPOKEN to Dr JAx on the phone!! Phew… fan girl moment over!
Will pop by when I think of a question.
Rach – hahaha! I’ll tell him that!
The big question is did she manage to touch the light?
I hope she gets well soon! A Q&A would be great.
Your poor daughter! Six weeks of being at her beck and call Jax!
Your Q & A sounds great and I love your new pic x
Hi Jackie,
Could I e-mail my question as it’s in two parts and maybe a bit long.
The poor kid! I hope she’s feeling better soon.
A Q&A session sounds like fun (and helpful). Hope your daughter gets well soon – Caroline x
ouch! hope your daughter isn’t in too much pain, Jackie! Horrid accident.
Wow, the chance to ‘put a question to Dr Jax’. That’s huge! I’m off to think of a good one…
p.s. Does Dr Jax do treatment for overcoming phobias? (this is for one of my characters, not me!)
Sorry to hear about the broken leg! Sounds interesting, will have to have a think and mosey on back 🙂
Lacey – no she did not!
Scarlet – yes, I tweeted that that’s going to be the new title to the latest WIP – At the Five Year Old’s Beck and Call. 🙂 Thanks re the pic. Always good to have a change eh?
Janet – sure you can email. coates dot jackie at gmail dot com.
Julia – she’s pretty good at the moment. Has mum doing everything for her. 🙂
Caroline – Hopefully it’ll be helpful!
Sally – she’s in a bit of pain but some paracetamol and ibuprofen help. Oh and yes, he can help re phobias!
Loarraine – hello m’dear! Yes, broken leg is hideous. Mum having to everything for her more hideous still!