Dr Jax Helps Out

Was going to do a long and involved post today but since my youngest daughter broke her leg yesterday (jumping off a bunkbed trying to touch a light!), I am at her beck and call instead!

Still, thought I’d mention that I was talking to Dr Jax over the weekend and asked him if he might like to do a Q&A on conflict. We’re told we have to be psychologists with our characters and their conflict so I thought conflict issues from the point of view of a bonafide psychiatrist might be kind of helpful. He was amenable so what do the rest of you think? Got any conflict questions you want to ask? A particular issue or how people behave in general? Let me know what you think would be most helpful!

16 thoughts on “Dr Jax Helps Out”

  1. A Q&A would be great. I always worry that my character’s motivations (stemming from backstory might not be credible) I’d love to ask a question (or two!)

  2. Great idea and ouch for your daughter!!

    My question…
    I’m thinking opression could break someone… or strengthen them to fight/rise up… does their personality type or other background play a part?

  3. Oooh I love this idea! And I just have to brag here that I have SPOKEN to Dr JAx on the phone!! Phew… fan girl moment over!
    Will pop by when I think of a question.

  4. ouch! hope your daughter isn’t in too much pain, Jackie! Horrid accident.
    Wow, the chance to ‘put a question to Dr Jax’. That’s huge! I’m off to think of a good one…

  5. Lacey – no she did not!

    Scarlet – yes, I tweeted that that’s going to be the new title to the latest WIP – At the Five Year Old’s Beck and Call. 🙂 Thanks re the pic. Always good to have a change eh?

    Janet – sure you can email. coates dot jackie at gmail dot com.

    Julia – she’s pretty good at the moment. Has mum doing everything for her. 🙂

    Caroline – Hopefully it’ll be helpful!

    Sally – she’s in a bit of pain but some paracetamol and ibuprofen help. Oh and yes, he can help re phobias!

    Loarraine – hello m’dear! Yes, broken leg is hideous. Mum having to everything for her more hideous still!

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