Chocks Away!

It’s done. Cat and Sean are winging their way to London. Hope they like it over there. Hope the ed likes them. They’re really a lovely couple. Much nicer now I know them properly. Sean has been re-alpha’d because the ed warned me not to make him too good. And Cat has been de-immatured.
They have issues though, issues they really need to work through, and I hope they get the chance for their HEA.

Seriously, one thing I’ll say for this partial is that it’s waaay better than the last one. At least, I think it is. And that’s mainly because I know my characters a lot better. Those character bios were a godsend and I can’t think why I didn’t do them earlier. Maybe one day I won’t need them but for now, until I get a handle on this conflict drama, I’ll do one for each new story. Before I start writing.

Right, so now I can kick back and relax on the beach holiday we’re going on tomorrow. For maybe five minutes. πŸ™‚ Will get web withdrawal I’m sure of it – which is why I’ll be visiting the local WIFI hotspot frequently. Am also taking my trusty laptop so I can rewrite the rest of Cat and Sean’s story in the hope they’ll want the rest of it. Nothing like starting 2010 with a bit of optimism!

Hope you all have a lovely week or two. Here’s to NTAI!

25 thoughts on “Chocks Away!”

  1. Good luck with your writing on the beach, Jackie. Take it from one who just returned from a tropical-like vacay herself, you might find yourself cheerfully distracted from the computer, so don’t beat yourself up about it.

    Glad your heroine cooperated in the end. Sounds like the experience was eye opening. πŸ™‚

  2. Fingers xrossed Jackie! Here’s hoping the editor loves it.

    Can I be cheeky and ask a question? You’ve done the partial (3 chaps and a synopsis I presume?) Are you going to be writing the rest of the book or will you wait until you hear from Richmond? I’m asking because I want to do partials at the moment rather than write the whole books as I have been doing. I’m not sure how to play it though! Any wise words gratefully received.

    Have a great beach break. Take care. Caroline x

  3. Hetal – thanks! Hopefully I’ll be distracted with lots of reading too. And yes, the wretched woman was an eye-opener! πŸ™‚

    Rach – Hey! Great idea! Great Uncle Visa is quaking in his boots.

    Lacey – cheers! A second vote is all I need.

    Janette – thanks for the finger crossing. I’m needing it!

    Caroline – that’s a great question. Actually, Cat and Sean’s story is already written but now needs extensive rewriting. I think that writing the full is a very good idea – it’s great practice if nothing else and you certainly get to know your story a whole lot better. Of course, I’m terrible it taking my own advice. πŸ™‚ However, for all my subs, yes, I’ve written the whole thing. Mainly due to the loooong wait and wanting to get them done. And as for this one, yes, I’ll rewrite the whole thing now because a) I have to have hope they’ll want the rest and b) again, the practice.
    All that being said, I can see why people only write the partial. Does that help?

  4. Have a lovely holiday Jackie and don’t worry if you don’t get any writing done while you’re away, I reckon you’re due some ‘refilling the creative well’ time which is also important for writing. (says me, always keen to goof off!). I’m just about to launch into hard core revisions and after ignoring the work in question for ages have now looked at it with new eyes and have been wondering ‘what was I thinking!’ Hopefully I can translate that dissatisfaction into perfection! Have a lovely time, and come back to a satisfied editor!

  5. Have a great beach holiday, Jackie. I’m not horifically jealous at all (looking out at snow covered garden again!).

    I hope Cat and Sean’s new story wows the ed πŸ™‚

  6. p.s. When I saw the title of your blog I thought you were throwing your chocolates away and was virtuously not putting a hand up to catch them. New Year, New Me and all that!

  7. Jackie,

    I’m still wearing 102 layers of clothing to keep warm so my envy is right up there with Joanne’s! Take a photo of the orange thing in the sky, (I’m sure it’s referred to as the sun)and post it here when you get back, just to remind me of what it looks like, ok? And your partial is going to leave Anna spellbound. No worries on that front.

    We did the French mobile home holiday with the boys last June and while I swore I was going to relax and chill and not think about characters, I found that by NOT thinking about them had the reverse effect. There’s nothing wrong with finding a little ‘me’ time on vacation. Don’t feel one bit guilty because the people in your head have feelings too and they deserve to be listened to. Occasionally!!!


  8. I am dying with envy at the idea of lying on a beach Jackie, it’s freeeeezing here! Have a brilliant time. Great news on the writing front – fingers firmly crossed for you.
    Happy new year, your certainly starting it in style. :o)

  9. Sally – good luck with your revisions! Yeah, I’ll probably take a couple of days to chill. Then I’ll find myself taking the laptop out… Can’t keep away. Lol re chocs! Have to get those away too. πŸ™‚

    Joanne – thanks. Remember this in June when I’m whining about how cold it is and you’re in the sun. πŸ™‚

    Suzanne – thanks for that. I will!

    Aideen – lovely words, m’dear! Thank you. I’ll see if I can send some Kiwi sun your way huh? I’ll try reverse psychology on those characters and maybe they’ll leave me alone. Not counting on it though. πŸ˜‰

    Joanne – the beach is certainly the place to be! Though I’m always a little envious of you guys with snow at Christmas time. Anyway, yep, nothing like a new sub to start the year. Thanks for the finger crossing. I’ll need it!

    Amy – Thanks! I will.

    Anne – Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the good wishes. I hope Cat and Sean have a wonderful time over there too. πŸ™‚

  10. Michelle – thanks so much. It’s largely due to your help that Cat and Sean have even got this far. Yes, I really like this sub and I hope the ed does too. She’s been very good to me so far – I hope to repay the faith. I’ll keep you posted anyway.

  11. Good luck!!!

    Writing on a beach? Envy, envy … I may have to turn on my gas fire now and lie on a towel in front of it in flip-flops.

    Let us know how things turn out.


  12. Good luck with your sub to Richmond, Jackie!

    Hope you have a relaxing time at the beach (says she enviously who’ll be returning to the day job tomorrow) πŸ™‚

  13. Yay for hitting send before the vacay!! I’m gonna be a rebel and say I’m enjoying my cold weather thankyouverymuch. We have seasons here and I like them. πŸ˜€

    Enjoy your beach holiday though! Come back with lots of tips for Jane…>.<

  14. Hey Jackie, I know you’re probably still on vacation, but wanted you to know I nominated you on my blog for a Kreativ Blogger award. It was passed to me and is a little fun!

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