In the Millionaire Playboy Psychiatrist’s Penthouse

Two out the four statements in the above title are true and I’ll leave you to figure out which ones are which…

Yes, it is a little bit sad to be posting a blog entry while I’m on holiday but a) wouldn’t you know it, I have a cold and am holed up in our apartment and b) my eldest also has a cold and is holed up with me. The cold is helped marginally by the setting – a penthouse suite (one of the true statements, see photo) on the shores of Lake Whakitipu, which has all the mod cons including a deck with a spa pool that looks onto the Remarkables Mountain range. Dr Jax outdid himself with the accommodation it has to be said. We have broadband, we have heated floors, we have flat screen TVs… Happy days.

In fact, the setting and the apartment are all extremely Modern Heat – I’m inspired despite the cold! Queenstown is pretty young, urban and hip – certainly judging from all the trendy snow people I saw in town yesterday – with lots of bars and restaurants. Could be a great location for a new story. In fact, I even have a great idea to go along with it. Shows you what an obssessive writer I am that even on a family holiday with a vile cold, the creative urge never stops. Am kind of itching to get into writing it and if it wasn’t for those meddling kids… 🙂

But I can’t think of new ideas at the moment. Too many old ideas to edit, not to mention angsting over the partial under consideration. Coming up for 12 weeks next week but I’m not holding my breath for an answer just yet. In fact I should be doing more NTAI – ing. Unfortunately my main method of NTAI-ing is more writing….which I can’t do…

Ah well, shall try and distract myself by reading the new AS Byatt I bought with me, though as much as I love her writing, it probably won’t provide as much escapism as Lucy King’s new book did (great going, Lucy!). Isn’t it lucky I also have Kate Hardy’s latest too? 😉

16 thoughts on “In the Millionaire Playboy Psychiatrist’s Penthouse”

  1. Sadly not, Lucy. Could definitely do with a millionaire right about now! No worries re the plug – it was a great book!

    Cheers Sri. Yep, being sick on holidays sucks.

    Thanks Lorraine. The scenery is a consolation though I’d rather be well. Obviously. 🙂

  2. wow, what a view! hope you get better soon. never stop thinking of new ideas, they are the highlight of my existence (apart from actually making them into fruition, oh and my kids!)

  3. From someone who’s wanted to emigrate to NZ since I was about 12, I think you should write a book set in your country. I reckon it’s the same the world over — people always see other countries as more glamorous/exciting than where they live. Although it would have to be a very sick person who found my home town either glam or exciting!!

    Hope you feel better soon, I’m looking forward to lucy’s book being released in the shop so I can read too 🙂

  4. Kerrin, no, I never stop having new ideas. At least I haven’t yet! I suppose there’s always time not to. 😉

    Thanks Janette, yep, the view was spectacular. And my cold is much better already.

    Well Joanne, the books I’ve currently written are all set in NZ, mostly in Auckland though. But Queenstown, now that would have to be a special one. And that’s so true about one’s own home. Nothing glamourous about Auckland!

  5. Hi Jackie
    I’ve been trying to find the submissions for the last competition on the i heart website, and the feedback but haven’t been able to find them. Are you able to be a bit more specific on which archives they are in etc?
    Hope you feel better, and you child too!

  6. Ooo Jackie it sounds divine (apart from the cold but hey if you gotta have one sounds like an ace place to do it! Hope there are holiday choc martinis in the not to distant as recuperation!)
    Enjoy those books. And that penthouse. Nice one Dr Jax!

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