It is a question that has mystified the ages – what on earth do they mean by digging deep? Well, giving you a giant hint here: it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with mining. Or drain laying. 🙂Now, in my journeying through the murky, disgusting swamp they call conflict, I received some valuable advice from … Continue reading “Digging Deep – What the $@&! Does That Mean??”
Category: conflict
Hi, My Name’s Jackie and I am a Writerholic
Just got back from an Easter break and am feeling very writing deprived. Apparently it’s good to have a rest but I tell you five days without writing anything feels like torture to me. Luckily I wasn’t in the middle of a wip otherwise it would have been hell. Still, the one good thing about … Continue reading “Hi, My Name’s Jackie and I am a Writerholic”
Wherefore Art Thou Tension?
I have just realised why I’ve been unhappy with the last third of my wip and why the black moment feels like it comes out of the blue – there is no tension. My characters are having a lovely time now they’ve fallen into bed but where is the ‘OMG it’s all going to end … Continue reading “Wherefore Art Thou Tension?”
The Rebound Submission
Yes, that’s exactly what my rejected sub was. I had the rejection on the revised full and then, so desperate to submit again was I, that I quickly fiddled with a new story and sent it away without thinking it through properly. Or rather, I over-thought it. I was trying so hard to get it … Continue reading “The Rebound Submission”
Light and Flirty Modern Heat: Yeah, Right.
I’m worried about my sub. So what else is new right? Well after reading the transcript of the editor chat on eHarlequin, I’ve got several worries: Firstly, I’m worrying that my sub is too angsty for Modern Heat. The problem is that I love deep, emotional internal conflict. And I love a strong, tortured hero. … Continue reading “Light and Flirty Modern Heat: Yeah, Right.”
I Am a Rock. I Am An Island.
It’s hard when you have a hero who won’t open up – like Lorraine said in her post, how is the heroine supposed figure him out when he won’t tell her anything?? I’ve saddled myself with a particularly difficult customer. My hero is a climber and they are notorious for being the strong, silent type. … Continue reading “I Am a Rock. I Am An Island.”
Conflict Sorted
Back from the joys of Rotorua. Was lovely actually – the highlight being the spa in the motel (sadly heated by gas and not by hot volcanic rocks) and a night time visit to a wildlife park where we saw a kiwi. You’d think, being an NZ’er, I would have seen tonnes and tonnes of … Continue reading “Conflict Sorted”
Going to Roto-Vegas
We’re off for a couple of days down to Rotorua, the home of boiling mud, hot pools and the smell of rotting eggs. The husband has a conference there and after days of trying and failing to get my hero’s conflict sorted, I’m hoping that a break will give me some ideas too. Rotorua is … Continue reading “Going to Roto-Vegas”
Black Moments
Ah, the black moment. The best part of a romance. At least, it’s one of my favourites. I do love writing them. If I haven’t made at least one of my characters cry and/or reach for the medicinal scotch then I feel I haven’t done a very good job. In fact both crying and reaching … Continue reading “Black Moments”
The Hook – Vital Plot Element or Unnecessary Complication?
Okay, you’ll all be pleased to know that I’m done with the crows (until I hear from the eds I guess but NTAI!). My poor climber has been left to languish at a crucial moment so I should probably get back to him and give him his HEA. However, my sticking point is my plot. … Continue reading “The Hook – Vital Plot Element or Unnecessary Complication?”